At Veritas EMG, we aim to provide excellent, thorough evaluations using a variety of technological tools.
Nerve Conduction Study (NCS)
Certain diseases impact nerve function, and this test will allow us to to determine whether your nerves are working they way they should. A nerve conduction study uses an electrical stimulus to determine how fast and how well your nerves are transmitting signals from your brain. Electrodes (stickers) will be placed on various locations of your skin. The test can be a little uncomfortable and/or cause your limb to move involuntarily, but it will not harm you.
Electromyography (EMG)
Certain diseases and/or prolonged miscommunication between the muscle and the nerve can cause weakness. The EMG portion of the test uses a small, thin needle to listen to the quality of your muscles, both at rest and while they are moving. This can be slightly uncomfortable, but will not harm you. We will require your active participation during this part of the test, which is why you cannot receive anesthesia.
Ultrasound provides real-time images of soft tissue such as nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It can be used for a variety of things including treatment in physical therapy, needle visualization during injections, or monitoring baby development. However, for the purposes of this clinic, US is used as an additional "set of eyes" to help us determine the source of your problem.

Independent Medical Exams
An IME is an Independent Medical Exam that is performed by a physician to evaluate for objective signs of injury related to an accident or event. Old imaging and treatments are reviewed, and a physical exam is conducted. Then, the findings are summarized in a report and provided to your insurance company.